I first encountered
MySpace when my nieces directed me to their spaces. I thought it was okay, but not necessarily something I would choose to do. As months passed and one of my nieces relocated from Texas to Iowa to help take care of my mother, I saw just how vital her
MySpace society is for her.
MySpace provides her with a way to update all of her friends and family with what is going on with her world - primarily her six, four and one year-
olds. She is able to keep tabs on her friends and family in a way that email doesn't really allow.
At first I would have said that social networking sites are really all about the much younger generation and an infatuation they have with themselves. Then I realized that these sites can play a vital role in the
ever changing lives of people everywhere. Social networking sites provide, in a sense, what the front porch gave our parents and grandparents so many years ago - a place to catch up, see, bond and live.