Monday, February 4, 2008

Thing 30 Blog be done!

Overall I have really liked keeping a blog. If I were doing it personally I would really go out on a limb and make some changes to my format, etc. I don't know if there would be something I would spend a lot of time blogging about on my own, but I could probably come up with some ideas.

The most surprising thing about the experience was how easy it was to do most things. Technology and its advances will continue to amaze me.

Would I do this type of training again? In a heartbeat! This experience gave me new hope for lifelong learning. I discovered a lot of neat sites and blogs along the way that will help me personally and with work. I do see the potential for creating a "What's New in Picture Books" blog or something like that.

As far as improvements . . . at first I thought some things were unclear, but most of that turned out to be operator error on my part. I am at an advantage because I had time at home to work on it. I think it may have been a lot for someone without access to a computer outside of work.
Overall it went well and was worth my time.

Thing 29 I Blog therefore I . . .

I really enjoyed the entire Learning 2.0 experience. I was most taken with Flickr just because I do a lot with photography. I did learn a lot about RSS feeds, podcasting, and new technology in general.

I love looking at other staff blogs. In some cases they shed insight on the person and that was very interesting. The creativity of the different sites was great!

Kudos, Cindy for a job well done!!

Friday, February 1, 2008

Thing 28 Rolly Polly Searching

I created a search roll for digital photography. The Rollyo site was interesting and I like the concept but I ran into some issues. Lists I created while signed in would not always be there when I went back. I was not able to get the link added to my blog automatically - or perhaps I just didn't do it correctly!

I do like the idea of creating a search mechanism that lets me utilize certain search engines.

Thing 27 It's a Library Thing

Check out my Library Thing shelf. I am also a member of Shelfari - you can view my shelf on the right side of my blog. Both of these sites offer a great way to keep track of what I have read, as well as tagging the entries.