Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Thing 11 IM

I think libraries have to consider all forms of technology if we are to meet the needs and expectations of our customers. Many people use different ways of communicating with family and friends and expect those same venues to be available in other areas of their lives. Library users are no different. If we are going to be attractive to teens, for example, we need to reach them where they are. That definitely means that IM needs to be a part of the service we offer.

One of the articles addressed our hesitancy once upon a time to use the telephone to do reference work. Libraries have always found ways to incorporate technology into our way of doing business. We should be able to do this without losing business or sacrificing the quality of service we provide. IM can be a start for someone who might never consider going into a library. If a question can't be answered using IM then the customer can come into the library and go from there.

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