Thursday, January 31, 2008

Things 23, 24, 25 Lights, Action, YouTube!

Here is my first attempt with YouTube.
I thought that YouTube was very easy to use.It allows you to enter tags, invite friends, control the privacy of your film as well as any comments you receive. It was a fun exercise.

In addition to making the slideshow that you see below, I created a podcast to accompany it. I did the podcast on my computer at home using GarageBand. It was fairly easy to do once I got the hang of it. I used iMovie to create the slideshow. This allowed me to adjust the timing of the podcast with the slides. It was a very interesting and educational process.

I have spent some time looking for podcasts in a variety of places. I think the greatest selection I found is in iTunes.

1 comment:

RollingTome said...

You are multi-talented. I bet you are a fun and interesting co-worker as well. Keep up the good work!